Все публикации

I'm so excited about my super weapon that will take over boom beach that i wrote a song about it

I'm so excited about my super weapon that will take over boom beach that i wrote a song about it

Eee, but he is gay

Eee, but does he know da wae?

Oh, you're Asian, Name every digit of pi.

Dr. Phil Murders Rick Astley

Oh, you like men? (ft. MightBeMighty)

Oh you're a discord moderator?

Rick Astley Is Spiderman

Rick Astley Trains The Raptors

Rick Astley Kills The Meg

Rick Astley Joins The Army

Rick Astley Visits Little Kids At School ( gone wrong)

Pet The Rick Astley

Rick Astley Gets Revenge On All The YouTubers (Yikes, Iwdjy, EpiclyBlueberry, Arcade Assassin, etc.)

Vladimir Putin rick rolls the Internet

epic face reveal...

Trump vs Rick Astley | Presidential Debate

Curb your mask

pepe caught you simping...

Rick Astley And Pepe Say Goodbye...

The Rick Roll Heard Around The World

Rick Astley 100m Race WORLD RECORD!

Rick Astley Kills Thanos (Endgame)