Все публикации

Graded geometry of local gauge theories -- Maxim Grigoriev (Moscow S.U., Mons U.) PHK 09.10.2024

Graded super Hopf algebroids -- Alexei Kotov (University of Hradec Kralove) PHK 02.10.2024

On nearly parallel G_2-manifolds -- Alexei Kovalev (Cambridge) PHK 29.05.2024

Orbifold constructions of Sasakian structures on SB mflds--A Tralle (Warmia & Mazury) PHK 22.05.2024

An introduction to the classification of C*-algebras -- Karen Strung (IM, ASCR) PHK 24.04.2024

The neighborhood of a leaf of a singular foliation -- C. Laurent-Gengoux (Lorraine) PHK 03.04.2024

Stabilizer limits and Orbit closures, applications to GCT--K V Subrahmanyam (Chennai) PHK 20.03.2024

Virtual Legendrian knots and possible relations to causality -- V.Chernov (Dartmouth) PHK 13.03.2024

Koszul-Tate resolutions and trees -- Aliaksandr Hancharuk (Jilin University, China) PHK 06.03.2024

Z-graded Q-manifolds -- Alexei Kotov (Hradec-Kralove) PHK 21.02.2024

Conformal IDEAL covariant characterization of Kerr -- A. García-Parrado (Cordoba) PHK 13.12.23

Unital C_∞-algebras and the real homotopy type of [some] 8-mflds -- H. Van Le (Prague) PHK 06.12.23

Theorem of Lusternik and Schnirelmann for reversible Finsler metrics -- S.Suhr (Bochum) PHK 29.11.23

Homotopy algebras A(∞), C(∞), B(∞), hGa -- Tornike Kadeishvili (Tbilisi) PHK 22.11.2023

Internal Lagrangians of PDEs -- K. Druzhkov (Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan) PHK 15.11.23

From the Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence to überhomology -- Luigi Caputi (Turin) PHK 01.11.23

Homot. types of diff. groups of polar Morse-Bott foliations--S.Maksymenko (NAS Ukraine) PHK 11.10.23

An approach to homological algebra up to $\epsilon$ -- Tobias Fritz (U. Innsbruck), PHK 04.10.2023

Real cobordism theory to the Kervaire invariant one problem -- G. Li (Michigan U.), PHK 24.05.2023

Almost invariant differential calculus -- Jan Slovak (Masaryk University), PHK 17.05.2023

On 3-nondegenerate CR manifolds in dimension 7 -- Andrea Santi (Rome 'Tor Vergata'), PHK 10.05.2023

Massey tensors and rational homotopy type of 7- and 8-mfds -- J. Nordström (U. Bath), PHK 03.05.2023

On local and global invariants of flat bundles -- Sam Nariman (Purdue University), PHK 26.04.2023

Nonabelian Čech cocycles in noncommutative geometry -- Zoran Škoda (U. Zadar & UHK), PHK 19.04.2023