Все публикации

Seamless Communication - Enabling instant cross-language translation

Using GPT4V as a generally intelligent assistant for your digital life

LM Studio

MetaGPT - The Multi-Agent Framework to build GPT-powered microapps

GPT-Migrate - Easily migrate your codebase from one language to another

Dropbox Dash - The AI-powered universal search

GPT Engineer - Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.

Voicebox: The Most Versatile AI for Speech Generation by Meta

WeatherGPT - A ChatGPT Plugin to get the weather of any given location

Guardrails AI - Adding guardrails to large language models

OpenAssistant - A chat-based assistant that understands tasks and more

StarCoder - A State-of-the-Art LLM for Code

HealthGPT - Chat with your Apple Health data with GPT-4

GPT Assistant - Allow GPT-4 to autonomously operate a web browser to accomplish tasks

CheggMate - An AI conversational learning companion by Chegg

AgentGPT - Configure and deploy Autonomous AI agents in your browser

llama.cpp - Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++

FastChat - Chat with Open Large Language Models like Vicuna, LLaMA ChatGLM, Koala, and Alpaca

Cody by Sourcegraph - Read, write, and understand code 10x faster with AI

llamahub.ai 🦙 - a community-driven, open-source hub for data loading with GPT Index and Langchain

Segment Anything by Meta - A new AI model from Meta AI that can 'cut out' any object, in any image.

StabilityGPT - Run Stable-diffusion directly in ChatGPT created with GPT-4

Auto-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous

OpenChatKit - The Open-Source Alternative to ChatGPT