Все публикации

Can a Prenuptial Agreement be updated? #prenuptialagreement #prenup #planforthefuture

Can you get a Financial Order without getting divorce? #divorcesettlement #ukdivorce #divorce

Should I change my Will during divorce? #estateplanning #lastwillandtestament #lastwill #divorce

Who can apply for a Section 8 order? #childarrangements #childrenact #children #section8

Will my house be included in the divorce? #familyhome #familyhomes #matrimonialhome #uklaw

Can my spouse put our house up for sale without my consent? #propertyforsale #matrimonialhome

Do financial claims after divorce expire? #divorcefinances #divorcesettlement #ukdivorce

Taking a child on holiday after divorce. #divorcedparents #separated #traveldocuments #singleparent

What are the ground for divorce UK? #divorcegrounds #ukdivorce #divorceuk #nofaultdivorce

How do I ask for a Prenuptial Agreement? #prenuptialagreement #prenup #assetprotection #uklaw

What is a Statement of irretrievable breakdown? #marriagebreakdown #ukdivorce #nofaultdivorce #uklaw

How do most Solicitors charge? #solicitor #solicitors #legalfees

Shared parenting vs Equal parenting. #sharedparenting #equalparenting #parenting

Is there a hearing for the Conditional Order? #divorce #dissolution #ukdivorce #divorceprocess

Can I refuse a DNA test? #dnatest #paternitytest #paternity

How does a court decide Parental Responsibility? #parentalresponsibility #childrenact #familycourt

How can I save money in a divorce? #divorce #ukdivorce #amicabledivorce

Who owns a wedding gift on divorce? #weddinggift #divorce #ukdivorce #assetdivision

Step parents rights after divorce. #stepparents #stepparenting #divorce

Do I need my ex’s permission to change our child’s school? #parentalconsent #ukfamilylaw #education

How to dispute paternity of a child. #paternity #paternitytest #dnatest #parentandchild #uklaw

Is mediation compulsory in family law? #mediation #familymediation #ukfamilylaw #outofcourt

What are parental disputes? #parenting #parentalconsent #coparenting #coparents #uklaw

What can be included in a Separation Agreement? #separation #separating #separated