Все публикации

Prof. Łukasz Andrzej Turski (Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland): Dimensions of Life

Prof. Verónica Ahufinger Breto: Engineering topological phases in lattices with ultracold atoms

K. Mrożek (IQM Quantum Comp.) Automatic calibration and benchmarking of IQM quantum processing units

Prof. Mikołaj Korzyński (CTP PAS): Redshift drift, position drift and caustics in general relativity

Lecture 16: Schwarzschild metric, event horizon

J. Wehr (Dept. of Mathem., University of Arizona): Exploring a terrain with random direction changes

Lecture 15: Schwarzschild metric

Julio de Vicente (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid):Maximally entangled mixed states: do they exist?

P. Grangier: Experimental tests of Bell’s inequalities at Institut d’Optique '80. Future directions.

Albert Rico (Jagiellonian University): Nonlocality of channels under decoherence

Gamma-Ray Bursts fundamental plane relation, SNe Ia, BAO and Quasars: the cosmological application

Lecture 13: Gravitational waves

Dr. Oliver Reardon-Smith (CTP PAS): Classically simulating quantum computations

Lecture 12: Gravitational frequency shift, equations of motion, gravitational waves

P. Kurzynski (Adam Mickiewicz University): Detection of Quantum Chaos with Quantum Hamming Distance

Pierwszy pomiar prędkości rotacji czarnej dziury przy pomocy „chyboczącej” materii gwiezdnej

Coral Skeletons: Interplay between Crystallographic Processes and Cellular, Physiological Mechanisms

Lecture 11: Christoffel symbols, linearized gravity, Newtonian approximation

Dr P. Mróz: Toward the mass function of black holes with modern observations of microlensing events

Lecture 10: Riemann tensor, geodesic deviation equation, Einstein equations

Jerzy Kijowski (CTP PAS): How to measure energy carried by gravitational waves: a pedestrian version

Lecture 9: Riemann tensor

Lecture 8: Christoffel symbols, curvature, Riemann tensor

M. H. Mohammady (RCQI, IP SAS): Quantum measurements constrained by the third law of thermodynamics