Все публикации

Yet Another Trig Identity!

Another Trig Identity

Linear Algebra examples involving Span and Null Space

Solve for the Integral 3

Solve for the Integral 2

Solve for the Integral

Going on a Tangent!

Calculus 2: Examples of Integration by Trig Sub.

A Trigonometry Gem!

Linear Combination Examples

Consistent System of Linear Equations Investigation Example

Using Gauss-Jordan Elimination to solve a System of Linear Equations

Advanced Calculus Integral Estimate Example

A Cool Geometry Proof!

Proving Two Sine Trig Identities

Am I Ready for Calculus 1?

Proving Two Nice Inverse Tangent Properties

Am I Ready for Differential Equations?

Using a Meme to Solve a Calculus 2 Integral

Double Angle Formula - Math Meme Edition!

Am I Ready for Calculus 2?

A Nice Property of The Gamma Function

A Cool Trig Proof

Proof by Contrapositive Example