Все публикации

5 Using Texture Fills to Create Atmosphere

6 Posting Your Creaturescape AND the Required Proof of your Non Destructive Dodge Burn Overlay Laye

2 Full Unit Module Introduction to Proving Ground #1

10 Finshing Up with Dodge Burn and Sponge

9 Trimming The Outside Edges on a Merged Layer Copy

8 Using the Clone Stamp Tool to Fill In Compositing Gaps in Photopea Freeware

7 Blending the Head Onto the Body

6 Using Direct Layer Adjustments to Helps Layers Match Before Blending them Together in Photopea Fr

1 Introduction to Proving Ground #1

10 Finshing Up with Dodge Burn and Sponge Tool Adjustments

9 Using Magic Wand as Stencil to Help Erase the Outer Edges of Your Merged Creature Layers in Photo

7 Image Adjusting and Soft Edge Erasing to Blend Reference Layers

6 Using Direct Adjustments to Match General Color and Lighting in Photoshop

8 Using a Clone Stamp Layer to Fill in Texture Gaps and Merging Layer Groups to Trim Edges

10 Refined Painting with Energy and Urgency in Photopea FREE

12 Contemporary Explorations in Digitial Painting in Photopea FREE

9 Setting Up and Making Final Adjustments Before the Final Paint Layer in Photopea FREE

1 Defining the Problem and Thumbnail Sketching for your Final Conceptual Project ADOBE

12 Experimental Pushes Towards Your Own Unique Digital Painting Finish ADOBE

11 Finishing Up Your Refined Paint in Photoshop ADOBE

10 Using Less and Less Opacity as Your Refine and Blend Your Digital Painting ADOBE

7 Moving to Refined Painting and Trying Out the Smudge Tool to Blend in Photopea FREE

5 Making Your Own Custom Brush for Painting in Photopea FREE

4 Cleaning Up Your Base Painting Layer in Photopea FREE