Все публикации

Gemstones in a baby bird | Blue-faced Parrotfinch hatching adventure

A Giant Egg's Bizarre Hatching

I had to help this tiny parrot after a blind lady accidentally incubated it's egg

After trying for 10 years it finally worked

The Smallest Bird You've Ever Seen - The abandoned nest

Big Egg Cracked In My Hands - Just as I was about to drill it

Live Hatchings - The smallest ducks on earth

Incubating and Releasing two Secret Buckets of Wild Birds | Saving more eggs than ever before

No Idea What Was About To Hatch | Wild Egg Rescue from birth to release

How To Make a Duckling Follow You | Busting Myths

Raising 3 Baby Squirrels That Got Kicked Out By Hand

The Smallest Parrot you've ever seen - Tiny egg hatching #2

27 Rats Attacked my Birds and I TRAPPED all of them Alive

Live Eggs Hatching - Q&A every 30 minutes

I Hatched A Supermarket Egg... Again!

The Tiniest Bird You've Ever Seen - Zebra Finch Hatching

The weirdest egg ever + two more bonus videos to celebrate crossing 3.000.000 subs!

What happens when a duck can’t see

Sweet little duck needs Special Attention

Wait for it…

Can One Chicken Hatch 43 Eggs?

Sheep shearing turned out to be harder than I thought

I switched her egg, now would she accept her baby?

Awaiting Life In Abandoned Giant Nandu Eggs