Все публикации

Post 16 travel to education for young people with additional needs

5 day packages of provision for young people with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans

4 Pathways to adult life for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Suffolk SENDIASS - welcome children and young people!

Inclusion of pupils with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)

Who can request an EHC needs assessment and how?

Choosing an early years setting for children with additional needs

SEN support in early years settings

What happens when an EHC needs assessment is agreed

Education, Health and Care needs assessments webinar recording

Mental capacity regarding EHC decisions for young people with SEND

Preparing for a mediation meeting regarding a LA refusal to do an EHC needs assessment

Preparing an appeal against a LA refusal to do an EHC needs assessment.

What is a disability according to the Equality Act 2010?

Supporting your child with the transition to high school

Preparing for the transition to secondary school for children with SEN

SEN support in school for pupils with communication and interaction needs

SEN Support in schools for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs

Why choose mediation?

Pupils who cannot attend school for health reasons

Equal opportunities for pupils with a disability

Support for exams for pupils with SEND

Support in school for pupils with medical conditions

SEN support in schools for pupils with sensory processing needs