Все публикации

O’quvchi ustozni qachon hurmat qiladi?

Ilmiy maqola yozish: muammolar va yechimlar

Inklyuziya nima, ta'limdagi muammolar va yechimlar, ilmiy tadqiqot haqida

Using Lumi to create H5P and SCORM packages

O'zRda Ilmiy daraja va unvonlarni olish talablari

Guidance for Using Nolej AI

Creating a Scavenger Hunt Game with Goose Chase

Item writing for the Agency for Assessment of Knowledge and Competences

Creating H5P Quiz set (True/False, Multiple choice, fill in the gaps etc) using Lumi

How to create a blog using Blogger.com

7 Amazing ways teachers can use ChatGPT to design interactive activities

Master of Arts in learning and teaching at WIUT

Effective use of AI tools in teaching English

Using Parley to create discussion boards

MA in Learning and Teaching

TOEFL IPT Oson, qulay va samarali

Управление учебным процессом, каррикулум, ресурсы

Modern techniques and methods of teaching reading effectively

Ko'rfaz davlatlarida ingliz tilidan o'qituvchilik qilish va CELTA

Designing & Operationalizing Vocabulary Lists

Mistakes in designing a syllabus to teach English as a foreign language

Corpus-Based Language Pedagogies: Resources and Applications

AQSh da PhD qilish uchun o'qishga kirish: Applied Linguistics

How to make your ESP classes more engaging