Все публикации

Swashplate-less Helicopter

Quad-Biplane UAV

Field Testing of Amphibious Cyclo-UUV

25-Kg Cyclocopter UAV

Amphibious Cycloidal Propeller Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)

Intelligent VTOL UAV Ship Landing

UAS Gust Disturbance Rejection using Robust Reinforcement Learning Control

Air-Launched Micro Air Vehicle

Texas A&M GoFly Personal Air Vehicle

60-gram Quad Cyclocopter (Texas A&M University)

Cycloidal Propeller Periodic Motion using Thrust Vectoring

Flowfield Measurements on a Low Aspect Ratio Cycloidal Rotor

Force and Flowfield Measurements on a Cycloidal Rotor Blade

Flowfield around a Hovering Flapping Wing

Effect of Winglets on a Hovering Rotor

Flow Visualization: Cycloidal Rotor in Forward Flight

Cyclocopter Forward Flight

Quad Cyclocopter Flight -- University of Maryland

500 gram Cyclocopter

VAWT - University of Maryland