Все публикации

(PQT) Queuing Theory Part III

(PQT) Queuing Theory Part II

(PQT) Queuing Theory Part I

Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficients problems Part IV

Linear Differential equations with constant coefficients problems Part III.

Laplace Transformations Part IV

Laplace Transformations Part III

State and prove Gauss' Lemma with an example in Number Theory .

Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficients problems Part II

Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficients problems Part I

Evaluate (-1| p) and (2 | p) and Prove that Legendre's symbol is a completely multiplicative of n.

Quadratic Residues, Legendre's symbol and Proof of Euler's Criterion in Number Theory.

Laplace Transformations Part II

Laplace Transformations Part I

State and prove Chinese Remainder Theorem.

For any prime p, every coefficient of f(x)=(x-1)(x-2)………..(x-p+1)-x^(p-1)+1 are divisible by p.

Solve the congruence 5 x ≡ 3 (mod 24).

Prove that metric spaces [0, 1] and [0, 2] with usual metric are homeomorphic.

Prove that f∶[0,1]→R defined by f(x)=x^2 is uniformly continuous.

Uniformly continuous.

f is continuous iff f(¯A)⊆ ¯(f(A)) for all A ⊆M_1.

f is continuous iff f^(-1) (F) is closed in M_1 whenever F is closed in M_2

f is continuous if and only if inverse image of every open set is open.

A function f is continuous iff (x_n )⟶a ⇒ (f(x_n ))⟶f(a).