Все публикации

The rise of the Nurple! #automobile #mechanic #gmcnation

Installing a cheap Amazon/EBay power steering bracket

Unpacking my FREE cordless chainsaw from Harbor Freight!

Greasing the wheel bearings and lubing brake parts on a 1971 GMC pickup truck

1971 GMC C15 rescued from a field- Part two

Catfish John’s turbo 4.3l GMC Psyclone

How to use the Harbor Freight stud-weld dent puller

Carrier bearing replacement 1972 GMC

Rescuing a 1972 GMC from a field

My Ford 8n was submerged in flood waters! Will it run again?

Build a pneumatic brake bleeder for cheap!

GM Vortec 4.3L backfire and locking up

Kubota B7200 water pump replacement

1965 Ford Econoline radiator repair

Gas tank vent fixed Stoppie Jalopy

Stoppie Jalopy vapor lock and heat soak solved!

The Stoppie Jalopy goes from funky to fantastic! (well kinda)

The transformation of the Stoppie Jalopy

1965 Econoline windshield replacement

The 1965 Ford Econoline 'Stoppie Jalopy' gets a new carb!

I bought a 1965 Econoline pickup. Will it run?

DC House Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Replacement of fuel injector and injector regulator 2000 firebird

2000 firebird dtc P1518 crank no-start