Все публикации

Anand Sawant - Central extensions of algebraic groups via cellular A^1-homology

Kirsten Wickelgren - Counts of rational curves on del Pezzo surfaces enriched in bilinear forms

Amalendu Krishna - Chow groups and Euler class groups of affine varieties

Tobias Dyckerhoff - S-constructions, Auslander algebras, and wrapped Floer theory

Federico Binda - GAGA type conjecture for the Brauer group via derived geometry

Richard Thomas - Square root Euler classes and counting sheaves on Calabi-Yau 4-folds

Tony Feng - The Galois action on symplectic K-theory

Allen Yuan - Examples of chromatic redshift

Tom Bachmann - Cellular motivic invariants of Z[1/2]

Dylan Wilson - Lichtenbaum-Quillen phenomena in chromatic homotopy theory

Joseph Ayoub -- Rigid analytic motivic sheaves

Matthew Morrow - p-adic Milnor K-theory of p-adic rings

Raman Parimala - Generic triviality of principal bundles on relative curves

Arpon Raksit - Hochschild homology and the derived de Rham complex revisited

Mikala Ørsnes Jansen - The reductive Borel–Serre compactification as a model for the K-theory space

Thomas Nikolaus - On Grothendieck–Witt theory of the integers

Marc Hoyois - Milnor excision for motivic spectra

Michael Groechenig - The epsilon-connection and algebraic K-theory

Sander Kupers - Algebraic K-theory and the unstable homology of general linear group

Wiesława Nizioł - P-adic comparison theorems for analytic spaces

Lennart Meier - The chromatic behaviour of algebraic K-theory