Все публикации

Life in the village in russia

How a large family of 78 people lives in a village

How they live in villages in Russia

village life in Russia

One day of a friendly family in a village in Russia

How the Sabantuy festival is celebrated in the villages of Tatarstan

How Tatars celebrate the national holiday Sabantuy in Tatarstan

Village life in Russia

Happy family life in a village in Russia

life of a large family in Tatarstan

The amazing life of the Tatars in Tatarstan

life of a friendly Tatar family in Russia in the spring

happy old age of an elderly couple in the village

How do they live in a Tatar village in the spring?

a quiet happy life in a tatar village

how do people live in winter in Russia

life of a friendly family in a Tatar village

How the traditions of Iftar and Three Years are celebrated in Russia

How is IFTAR held during Ramadan in Russia

Happy old age in the largest village of Tatarstan Russia

life in Russia today . how to live in the village of Tatarstan

how Tatars live in a village in Russia in winter

How TATARS live in a Tatar village, life in Russia today

Cooking tatar national dish. Life in a village in Russia in winter