Все публикации
APGC Seminar | Genomics for Food Businesses – A case study of persisting Listeria
Claire Traynor | Mylnefield Lipid Analysis
Gareth Newman | Analytical Services
Time lapse | The Crop Innovation Centre
APGC Seminar | Infinite Agriculture A New Food System Revolution Has Begun
IBH Seminar | A Spatiotemporal Gene Expression Atlas of Barley Germination
New Crop Innovation Centre officially opened
The Crop Innovation Centre (CIC)
IBH Seminar | Genetics of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Barley
IBH Seminar | Towards AI in Cereal Phenotyping
Dr Julie Graham | The Soft Fruit Genetic Improvement Network GIN
IBH Seminar | Malting Barley Breeding progress in Argentina under differing environments
APGC Seminar | Vertical Farming: Can technology help break the glass ceiling and unleash AI
45th TB Macaulay Lecture | Valuing nature for transformation - Professor Gretchen C. Daily
NAPIC | Derek Stewart, Director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre
IBH Seminar | Genetic control of the barley root angle
Potatoes in Practice 2024
APGC Seminar | Plant Breeding with Genomic Selection and High-Dimensional Predictors
Climate change projections and the Cairngorms National Park
IBH Seminar | OzBarley: from genome to phenome and back again
Arable Scotland 2024 - ‘Arable farming in a new era'
APGC Seminar | Securing Public Food Supply: Vertical Farming & Sustainable Agriculture
IBH Seminar | Barley vs abiotic stresses traits, mechanisms, genes Investigating role of the Grf4
IBH Seminar | History of the bread wheat D genome