Все публикации

Section 08/08 - Securing the Cluster with Network Policies

Section 07/08 - Configuring Ingress For The Front End

Section 06/08 - Deploying Services

Section 05/08 - Deploying Redis

Section 04/08 - Configuring Environment Variables with ConfigMaps and Secrets

Section 03/08 - Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes

Section 02/08 - Pushing Docker Images to Amazon ECR Repositories

Section 01/08 - Building Docker Images

Deploying a Microservice Application to Kubernetes

Task 10/10 - Connecting the Frontend to the Backend

Task 08/10 - Manipulating the Linux Firewall to Connect Docker Networks

Task 09/10 - Verifying the Backend Connects to the Database

Task 07/10 - Passing an Environment Variable to the Backend Container

Task 06/10 - Running the Database

Task 05/10 - Running the Backend in the Correct Network

Task 04/10 - Building and Running The Backend

Task 03/10 - Deploying to the Remote Docker Host

Task 02/10 - Pushing a Docker Image to DockerHub

Task 01/10 - Building and Running the Front-End Application

Deploying a 3-tier App on AWS Using Docker - Solution Overview

EVENT: Introduction to Docker + chances to win prizes!

Part 07/07 - The Final Test

Part 06/07 - Creating The Jenkins Pipeline

Part 05/07 - Creating The Lambda Function and Installing The Alexa Skill