Все публикации

The building blocks of western Rock/Pop guitar - course trailer - link in description!

Start using 'Target Notes' in your guitar solos - Melodic lead lick lesson

What are Diatonic Chords? (and how to use them using the Nashville number system)

The Circle of Fifths Explained - Play the Major Scale in EVERY key on the guitar

The Ultimate Guitar Warm Up Exercise - Play THIS before moving on to other things

Blinding Lights - The Weeknd Guitar Cover Lesson w/ TABS

Cobra Kai - Strike First Part 1 Guitar lesson w/free tabs

Mixolydian licks in Eb + TAB

Hip Hop Inspired Guitar Lick w/ Tabs!

Guitar Funk Jam 2 - Lesson with Tab

16 Bar Blues in A min w/diminished chords - Guitar Lesson

Jazz Funk Guitar Riff - with TAB

Here, There and Everywhere - The Beatles played by John Cargill (clip)

All of Me - John Legend - Solo / Classical Guitar played by John Cargill (clip)

Capricho Arabe - Francisco Tarrega played by John Cargill (Clip)

Ave Maria - Schubert - John Cargill Solo Classical Guitar (clip)

John Cargill - Classical/Solo Guitar For Weddings and Corporate Events - Showreel