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can you?

Slope #3b1b #slopes #slope #analyticalgeometry #coordinategeometry

a²-b²=(a+b)(a-b) #algebra #3b1b #algebratricks #algebraformulas #manim #BSVisualMath

(a + b)²=a²+2ab+b² #algebra #algebraformulas #3b1b #algebratricks #manim #animation

(x+2)(x+3) visual solution. #algebra #algebraformulas #algebratricks #manim #animation #3b1b

(x+a)(x+b)#algebra #algebraformulas #algebraproof

log 2 ≈ 0.3 but how?

January 5, 2023

January 1, 2023

Tn 11th |Excercise 1.1|1 maim 1st sum

Getting 'e'=2.71...


TN_11(set_roster form)

differentiate e power x

limit for sin

value of sin15°

log 2 base 10 value


value of 1/√3

finding easyly value of 1/√2

find length of opposite side length of triangle

find triangle's opposite side length

value of π| at ancient time|created by boopathi