Все публикации

hadaka no yuusha [FFXIV GMV]

Medicine, Soul and Magic | FFXIV Mini Documentary

FFXIV Job trailer: Sage | Unofficial Trailer

It's time we talk about Faerie Gauge

FFXIV Job trailer: Scholar | Unofficial Trailer

Complete Beginner Guide to Scholar (Summoner Edition)

My first impression on Lv.100 Scholar (FFXIV DAWNTRAIL)

These new HEALER skills look AMAZING! [FFXIV Dawntrail]

Let's talk about Healers in Dawntrail (+ a little bit of Tanks)

Lebron James, scream if you love Scholar

FFXIV minimalist UI

FFXIV Main and Music Genre?

I miss sleeve draw...

Playing Tank to improve as a healer

Master Tactician of Nym┃FFXIV Lore Documentary

Favorite Tank to heal in FFXIV?

Choose one Tank CD and delete the rest?

FFXIV Norvrandt scenery

FFXIV Healer Skills from Top-Angle ✨

Icarus can be a bit more fun

Predicting SGE lv.100 skill from AF gear

My issue with SGE's Kerachole

W2W pull is not necessary, but optimal

All of HEALER Lv.100 Artifact Gear