Все публикации

Finding the EMOTIONAL ROOT CAUSE to WHY you won't FLY

Fear or Flying? I'm talking you through Take-off in the dark as an ex Flight Supervisor

Your words are powerful to your mind and body - Use them to aid weightloss

Part 2 Client review - she overcame her fear of flying and is passing it forward

Client review - having overcome her fear of flying, now her driving confidence has soared so much

Hate all the noises before take-off? Let me walk you through them

Dread Take-off? Time to use a simple technique to change that feeling!

Never flown but terrified to fly? WHY? Try this?

Fear of flying - Hate that 'push back' feeling on Take-off?

Fear of flying? Here's how you can take control over that fear

3 top tips before your fly if you have a fear of flying

When does the anticipation anxiety start to kick in? When that fear of flying takes over

WHY children change everything when it comes to the fear of flying

Anticipatory anxiety as a parent? Don't let it stop you enjoying holidays with your family

Fear of flying, did you know...... there has to be two people in the cockpit

Fear of flying? Understand why you don't like being in the air

Fear of flying... or fear of the unknown?

Fear of flying - how to overcome your fear of crashing

Fear of flying, fear of falling? How can you feel safe when we're so high up?

Fear of flying - When does your anxiety start

Are you embarrassed to admit you have a fear of flying?

Time to take your control back from your Fear of Flying

Fear of flying - Technique to calm your panic on take off

Fear of Flying - WHY does turbulence scare you?