Все публикации

Deep Dive Azure Event Hub Part 1

Math with dotnet for you and Azure

Non fungible tokens NFT and Azure Bot

Register your location and activity codeless with the Power Platform

Live coding about YesSql

Full text search with Redis Search

Time-series Forecasting in Power BI Without Premium or Embedded Capacity

Monitoring Full BI Stack

Utilizzare Bicep per distribuire un Azure SQL DB - CI/CD edition!

Working in the (Azure Data) Factory the right way

Le novità di Entity Framework Core 6.0

Power BI Streaming DataFlow and Azure IoT Central

Azure SQL Database Ledger

Power Bi Dynamic Row-Level and Object-Level Security Patterns

Azure SQL Journey: The daily routine of a Cloud DBA

Data Lake House in the Cloud: The Azure Solutions

Azure SQL Managed instance a different sql server?

Backup & restore best practices

T-SQL magic tricks!

Azure Synapse Analytics - When a table is not just a table

Costruire un Recommendation Engine con Cosmos DB

3 things you don’t want to store in a database (but sometimes have to)

Parallelism in Microsoft SQL Server

Query Store In-Depth