Все публикации

Workplace revolution: The impact of AI Across Industries and Healthcare


Artificial Intelligence & Job Extinction

Histotype PX: Non-inferiority randomised prospective trial

Where is the pancreas?

Where are the kidneys?

Histotyping. Pathology AI software

This is the Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics · ICGI

Stroma Analyzer - perform an automated analysis of tumour stroma content using H&E stained sections

Professor Marco Novelli is a histopathologist with a special interest in colorectal cancer.

Sigbjørn Smeland is delighted with ICGIs results on the use of AI for the prognosis of cancer

ICGI is now working to provide prognostication using AI-based markers as a diagnostic service.

The need for automation in cancer diagnosis has never been greater

Professor Marco Novelli is a histopathologist with a special interest in colorectal cancer.

David Kerr, professor at the University of Oxford, is one of the founders of the CRC collaboration.

Training after surgery

How to use crutches

Opptrening etter operasjon

Hvordan bruke krykker

Håvard E. Danielsen Presents faster and safer cancer prognostics with AI #oslolifescience 2020.

Method excerpt: Deep learning for prediction of colorectal cancer outcome

Deep learning for prediction of colorectal cancer outcome: a discovery and validation study

ICGI's findings on artificial intelligence excites the audience during Oslo Life Science 2020

Histotyping - developed by ICGI