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Top 10 Puzzle Questions for Bank Exams & CAT | Shortcut Tricks

Combatting Fungal Growth in Water Tanks: The Power of Copper Sulfate

Unveiling Nature's Hybrid: The Fascinating Mule - A Horse and Donkey Blend

Crucial Early Protection: BCG Vaccination Within 48 Hours for Newborns

Unveiling a Vital Statistic: 65% of the Human Body Comprises Oxygen

Unveiling Human Spine Anatomy: Total Number of Vertebrae Revealed as 33

Decoding Hay Fever: Recognizing Allergies Through Symptoms

The Fascinating Femur: The Longest Bone in the Human Body

Insulin: Understanding Its Role Beyond Digestion

William Harvey: Unraveling the Secrets of Blood Circulation

The Revolutionary Legacy of Edward Jenner: Conquering Smallpox Through Vaccination

Exploring Hormones: The Surprising Link Between Estrogen and Excitement

Water Transportation in Plants: Unraveling the Role of Xylem

Night Blindness and Vitamin A Deficiency: The Crucial Link to Healthy Vision

The Structure of Viruses: Unveiling the Role of Protein and Lipid

Penicillin: The Revolutionary Discovery - The First Antibiotic in Medical History

Platelets: The Key to Blood Coagulation - Understanding their Crucial Role

The Science of Taste: Why the Posterior Part of the Human Tongue is Sensitive to Bitterness

Unveiling the Magic of Fermentation: Exploring the Enzymatic Decomposition of Organic Compounds

The Lifesustaining Element: Oxygen - The Most Abundant in the Human Body

Sweetex: A Sweet Solution for Diabetic Patients - Zero-Calorie Energy Content

Unveiling Cholera's Hidden Enemy: Robert Koch's Discovery of Cholera Germs

Unveiling Thiamin: Exploring the Role of Vitamin B1 in Human Health

Poliomyelitis: Unveiling the Viral Culprit Behind a Debilitating Disease