Все публикации

Ep. 15 MENA Talks S02 - How the EU's Double Standards are Impacting its Credibility in Africa

EP. 14 - The MENA Talks - Towards COP28: What to Expect in the UAE and how Europe can Work with It.

Ep.13 MENA Talks S02 : Lutte contre le racisme, où en est l'Europe?

Ep. 12 MENA Talks S02 - The EU’s Strategic Partnership with the Gulf: One Year On

Ep. 11 MENA Talks S02 : Behind the Frontlines in Ukraine: Unpacking the EU's Role

Ep. 10 MENA Talks S02 : Journée internationale des droits de « la femme », de quoi parle-t-on?

Ep. 9 MENA Talks S02 - Exploring the EU-NATO Relationship

Ep. 8 MENA Talks S02 - Irak : quel avenir pour les familles affiliées à Daech ?

Ep. 7 MENA Talks S02 - Evaluating European Foreign Policy

Ep. 6 MENA Talks S02 - Policing Women’s Bodies: Iran, the West, and the Danger of Single Narratives

Ep. 5 MENA Talks S02 - Energy-efficiency: The Solution to Europe’s Energy Crisis?

Ep. 4 MENA Talks S02 - Afghanistan : 'la crise affecte les femmes de façon disproportionnée'

Ep. 3 MENA Talks S02 - Division and Violence in Ethiopia: The Role of Weaponised Ethnicity in Tigray

Ep. 2 MENA Talks S02 - Nouveau Pacte de Migration et d’Asile de l’UE: Pas de Sortie de Crise

Ep. 1 MENA Talks S02 - War, peace and the emergence of a multipolar world

Ep. 12 MENA Talks S01 - Migration and Climate Change in Africa: Ways Forward after the AU EU Summit

Ep. 11 MENA Talks S01 - A Democratic Transition at Risk: Confronting the Cycle of Coups in Sudan

Ep. 10 MENA Talks S01 - 'L’aide humanitaire ne suffira pas' : l’Afghanistan au Bord du Gouffre

Interviews with Speakers from 'The Resurgence of the Taliban' Event 17 November 2021

'The Resurgence of the Taliban' Event 17 November 2021

Ep. 9 MENA Talks S01 - Mixed Migration in Tunisia: Worrying Trends and Peace-building Solutions

Intro remarks by Shada Islam, 'The Resurgence of the Taliban' event 17 November 2021

Ep. 8 MENA Talks S01 - Takeaways from the 76th UN General Assembly: A New Era of Multilateralism?

Ep. 7 MENA Talks S01 - Special Edition – What will Afghanistan's future look like ?