Все публикации

What CRIMINAL committed an almost PERFECT CRIME and what was the thing that MESSED it UP?

Police, who’s the SMARTEST CRIMINAL you’ve ever encountered?

What's the REASON why you DON'T TALK to your MOM anymore?

What CAUSES DEATH more than people REALIZE?

People who FOUND a DEAD BODY, how did you REACT?

I threw a LOW BLOW at my WIFE and now she's BARELY TALKING to me.

Women, what was your WORST run in WITH a CREEP?

My SISTER is having a BABY, and I've NEVER been more UPSET.

Paramedics, what will HAUNT YOU for the REST of your LIFE?

Drill Instructors, what's the ONLY THING to make you LAUGH in your entire CAREER?

Doctors, what is the MOST BIZARRE issue a PATIENT has tried to HIDE?

What was the ODDEST thing you FOUND when CLEARING out things of someone who PASSED on?

Morgue workers, what CREEPIEST thing you've WITNESSED?

Lawyers, what's the STUPIDEST CASE you've ever TAKEN on?

What’s the FASTEST you’ve ever SEEN a new COWORKER get FIRED?

Have you ever had an EXPERIENCE so HEAVENLY it made you BELIEVE in GOD?

What is your most EMBARRASSING 'you were not SUPPOSED to SEE that STORY'?

What's your 'I THOUGHT this SH*T only happened in the MOVIES' moment?

My NEPHEW might be a FUTURE serial KILLER.

Poor people WHO have DATED RICH people, what did you LEARN?

My BOYFRIEND faked a PROPOSAL, so I BROKE UP with him.

Teachers, what's SCARIEST thing you've SEEN in the CLASSROOM?

What is the SMALLEST LIE you ever TOLD, which had the BIGGEST consequences?

What did the WEIRD KID in your SCHOOL do that YOU'LL never FORGET?