Все публикации

Lecture #9. Zero Knowledge Proof Technology and Its Use Cases (Part II)

Lecture #13. Token standards: ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens

Lecture #14. Ethereum: Beyond blockchain

Lecture #8. Zero Knowledge Proof Technology and Its Use Cases (Part I)

Lecture #12. Precompiles, signatures, and bytecode

Lecture #7. Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD)

Lecture #6. Decentralized Lending Protocols (Part II)

Lecture #11. Proxy and libraries

Open-sourced tool from Distributed Lab - w3sign.app

Lecture #5. Decentralized Lending Protocols (Part I)

Lecture #10. Assembly and data locations

Lecture #4. Automated Market Makers

Lecture #9. Solidity OOP

Lecture #11. Token standards, ERC20 tokens

Lecture #3. Stablecoins (part II)

Lecture #8. Solidity functions, events, and error handling

Lecture #2. Stablecoins (part I)

Lecture #1. Introduction to DeFi

Lecture #7. Solidity typesystem

Lecture #6. Ethereum Smart Contracts

Lecture #4. Ethereum Transactions & Blocks

Lecture #3. Ethereum Platform

Lecture #1. Decentralization in Information Systems

Lecture #2. Blockchain Technology