Все публикации

Use This Excel NavLog for Your Cross Country Flight Planning | VFR XC Navlog

Going Missed Using Autopilot | Common IFR Checkride Fail

Flying Backcourse, ADF, and Computer Navigation Fixes | Intricacies of Flying an ILS Approach

Let's Break Down an Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) | VIdeo Quiz

Why does Vx increase, and Vy decrease with altitude? | Climb speeds explained

Magnetic Dip Error Visualized | Compass Errors | UNOS ANDS

Runway Declared Distances | TORA, TODA, ASDA, LDA | Takeoff Distance Available

How to Roleplay as Air Traffic Controller | Practicing IFR Approaches | Safety Pilot

The Relationship Between Bank Angle and Load Factor in Level Turns

Minimum Reception Altitude (MRA) | Explained Extremely Fast

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Fundamentals of Instructing | CFI Training

Visualizing Traffic Pattern Entries | VFR Pattern Entries

How to Set Power on an Instrument Approach | Cessna 172 Instrument Approach

G1000 Approach and Landing | Glass Cockpit Tips

How to Use MEAs for In-Flight Decision Making | Minimum Enroute Altitudes

Increase Your Airplane's Stall Speed by 40% with Bank Angle #aviation #flightinstruction

IFR Clearance Practice | Listen and Practice IFR Clearance Readbacks

Mastering the Art of Airplane Banking Understanding Lift and Weight

Take a Quiz on this IFR Approach into Mammoth Lakes | Instrument Approaches Explained

How to Enter the DC SFRA | FAA Flight Plans

Left Turning Tendencies, P-factor, and load factor | Aerodynamics Explained

Shooting a VOR Approach | IFR Training | VOR Explained

Designated Mountainous Areas, Where are They? | 91.177

MEF vs OROCA | How Minimum Altitudes are Determined