Все публикации

Flight Risk in pre-trial detention

A no man land: The Protocol on extraterritorial migration management between Albania and Italy

The use of AI in the criminal justice system

Judicial Assessment of Flight Risk: A View from Statistics and Literature Across Europe

Audiovisual recording of police interviews

Access to legal aid

Access to a lawyer

Access to information: Letters of Rights

Frontex: Why is the EU funding human rights abuses?

The right to judicial review in cross-border proceedings

The right to access the case file in cross-border proceedings

The right to a lawyer in cross-border proceedings

The right to interpretation and translation in cross-border proceedings

Artificial intelligence in criminal justice systems: Fair Trials' work

LEAP 2022: Europe's carceral fever

LEAP 2022: The unchecked expansion of policing powers in Europe

Webinar: Reforming youth interrogation in the US

Princípios Méndez: diretrizes para entrevistas eficazes na investigação criminal

Policing during a crisis: learnings from the Covid-19 pandemic - Part Two

Policing during a crisis: learnings from the Covid-19 pandemic - Part One

Plea Bargaining and Mass Incarceration

Plea Bargaining and Police Oversight

Plea Bargaining and Racial Injustice

Election of INTERPOL President al-Raisi: Bruno Min interviewed on Deutsche Welle