Все публикации

another great farmer's market in London

watching this video should make tube transport easier if heading from/to Heathrow airport.

from Heathrow Terminal 3 into London by Tube

Albertpolis & 3 of the world's greatest museums (all practically next door to each other in London).

The South Kensington tunnel to the museums, London.

Feet up on Maluaka beach, on the west side of Maui, Hawai'i.

A brief introduction to us.

Welcome back to our channel.

Quite literally, the end of the road on the Big Island of Hawai'i.

Bethnal Green tube station memorial

from our hotel by the Russian border, in Narva, Estonia.

the majesty of living in a great city.

On a tense Nato/Russia border.

In a Spitfire at the incredible RAF Hendon, north London, UK

Visiting the Angel of the North near Gateshead/Newcastle, England

scenes from Diwali 2024, in Trafalgar Square, London.

visiting the spectacular Lancing College chapel

The latest 4th plinth exhibit at Trafalgar Square, London.

Why is this person so important to the USA?

Jack the Ripper's home in London, or is it??

Enjoying a Kobe steak meal in the city of ...... Kobe, Japan

Paraws racing of IloIlo, Philippines, 2024

Looking for humpback whales from the Papawai lookout point on Maui, Hawaii. #shorts #hawaiiantourism

Turtle spotting on Maui's north coast, Hawai'i (or trying to!!). #hawaiitourism