Все публикации

Gilbert & Sullivan - Ruddigore 'My eyes are fully open'

Gilbert & Sullivan - Utopia, Ltd. 'Bold-faced ranger'

Gilbert & Sullivan - Utopia, Ltd. 'A tenor all singers above'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Grand Duke

Gilbert & Sullivan - Princess Ida 'This helmet, I suppose'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Yoeman of the Guard 'Strange Adventure'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Yoeman of the Guard 'I have a song to sing'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Gondoliers 'Take a pair of sparkling eyes'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Gondoliers 'In enterprise of martial kind'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Gondoliers 'We're called gondolieri'

Gilbert & Sullivan - Iolanthe 'When you're lying awake'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Mikado 'Brightly dawns our wedding day'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Mikado 'A wandering minstrel I'

Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore 'I'm called Little Buttercup'

Gilbert & Sullivan - Ruddigore - 'When the night wind howls'/'For thirty-five year'

Gilbert & Sullivan - Ruddigore - 'If Somebody there chanced to be'

Gilbert & Sullivan - The Sorcerer - 'Now to the banquet we press'

Burnand & Sullivan - Cox and Box - 'Hushed is the Bacon'

Stephenson & Sullivan - The Zoo - 'Ladies and Gentlemen!'

Stephenson and Sullivan - The Zoo - 'Once More the face I loved'

'Stars of Tomorrow' - Opera in Concert 2020

El Barbero de Sevilla (zarzuela) - Opera in Concert

'Gems of French Opera' - Opera in Concert 2014

The Tide (Die Flut) - 'A Night In Berlin', Opera in Concert 2018