Все публикации

Epiphanies - Softube Model 77 demonstration

Firelight - Daniel Willett

Slate Digital MetaPitch - Best Vocal Pitch Shifting Plugin?

8 Dimensional Sound - Lunacy Audio Cube featuring Canopies by Benn Jordan

Pulsar 8200 EQ Plugin Review: Recreating the Magic of the GML 8200

Stardust Symphony - Baby Audio BA-1 demonstration

BABY AUDIO BA-1 SYNTH - Yamaha CS01 Re-imagined! (walkthrough and demo)

Exploring the Eventide Black Hole Reverb Plugin!

FABFILTER TWIN 3 - I Wasn't Expecting This! (review & demo)

Taken Up - FabFilter Twin 3 demonstration

BEST REVERB PLUGINS 2023 - Top Reverb Plugins Reviewed

CHERRY AUDIO GX-80 (Yamaha GX-1 & CS-80 combined in one VST!) walkthrough & review

Avalon - Cherry Audio GX-80 demonstration

What is SPATIAL AUDIO? (Speculative Memories by Spitfire Audio)

INFINITE BIRD WHISTLE by Emergence Audio - walkthrough

Infinite Nebula - Cherry Audio Sines demonstration

Solo Winds Untamed by Westwood Instruments (Best Woodwinds Library Ever?)

Winter - Fractured Strings by Spitfire Audio (demonstration)

FRACTURED STRINGS by Spitfire Audio (walkthrough/demonstration)

Sunroom Upright Piano by Soundiron - Walkthrough

Benny Smiles - Hotline Miami 2 OST (Orchestral Version) feat: Tokyo Scoring Strings

The Lightkeeper - LABS FOGHORN by Spitfire Audio demonstration

Twilight City - Originals Epic Choir by Spitfire Audio (demonstration)

Obi-Wan Kenobi theme featuring Berlin Con Sordino Strings by Orchestral Tools