Все публикации


Spark Streaming - Kafka Integration | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

JSON in SparkSQL | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

Spark Dstream Transformation | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

Spark GraphX Operations | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

RDD Partitions | Apache Spark and Scala Tutorial

Spark Wordcount Demo | Apache Spark and Scala Tutorial

OOPs Concepts in Scala | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

SparkSQL Introduction | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorials

Introduction to Machine Learning | MLib | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

Scala Collections | Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial

Hive Introduction | Hadoop Hive Tutorial for Beginners | Hive Architecture

Oozie in Hadoop Ecosystem | What is Apache Oozie | Oozie Introduction

Sqoop in Hadoop | Sqoop Tutorial | What is Sqoop?

HiveQL Introduction | HiveQL Tutorial | HiveQL Tables

Sqoop Workflow | Sqoop Practical Demo | Sqoop in Hadoop

PIG Practical Demo | Wordcount Execution via PIG Latin

Flume Configuration | Flume Data Operations | Flume in Hadoop

Hbase Tutorial | What is Hbase | Hbase in Hadoop

Deploying Hbase in Hadoop | Advanced Hbase Hadoop

Flume in Hadoop | Flume Tutorial | What is Flume?

PIG Introduction | PIG vs MapReduce | PIG Architecture

HiveQL Joins | Advanced Hive Architecture

The Future of BIG Data - Hadoop 2.0 & Yarn