Все публикации

Orthogonal Diagonalization

Showing Similarity when A~D and B~D

Change of Basis (using coordinate isomorphism)

Similar Matrices, Properties & Proofs

Diagonalization (And what actually are Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces?)

Converting to an Orthogonal Basis! How 'nice'

Orthogonal Projections (featuring U + U perp)

Orthogonality? Normalization? Expansion Theorem!

Composition of linear transformations, Finding T INVERSE

Isomorphisms? Coordinate Isomorphisms? Proving linearity & bijection!

Injectivity, Surjectivity & Bijectivity made easy

Kernel, Image & Dimension of Transformations Explained!

What's a LINEAR transformation? Linear operator? Matrix of a transformation?

Row vs Column space of a matrix

Carving & Enlarging Set to find a Basis (with the independent + dependent lemma)

Basis, Standard bases, Dimension? (& finding multiple bases)

Linearly Independent or Dependent?

Span! Why is it the smallest subspace? When are 2 spans equal?

Subspace Test Shortcut (and examples)

Extra Vector Space Properties & Proofs

Vector Space Axioms Walkthrough & examples

Is it a Vector Space? (featuring crazy addition and multiplication rule)

Crochet LETTERS (Pt.1 A-G)

Working with NEGATIVES (most common problem for math students)