Все публикации

Unmaking Waste by Sarah Newman - Roundtable Interdisciplinary Conversation

Sensory Futures: Deafness and Cochlear Implant Infrastructures in India

Information Session: CISSR Graduate Programs & Applications for 2022-23

2018 Annual CISSR Conference - Keynote Address

2018 Annual CISSR Conference - Awards

2018 Annual CISSR Conference - Panel 1

2018 Annual CISSR Conference - Panel 3

2018 Annual CISSR Conference - Panel 2

The American 'Empire' Reconsidered

Cities of Delhi: Differentiated Citizenship in the Capital City

A Safer or a More Dangerous World? Nuclear Weapons in Today’s Global Community

Quantitative Analysis in International Relations / NewGene Tutorial

Charles Briggs on Biomediatization and the Collaborative Production of Epidemic Insecurity

James Smith on Extracting Life from your iPhone

Dan Sagalyn and Jamie McIntyre on Rearming America's Nuclear Arsenal

Global Thought in the Anthropocene: A Panel Discussion with Ursula Heise

Manu Goswami on Keynes and Empire's End

Currency Politics: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy

Trevor Paglen and Joe Masco on Interrogating the Security State

Christopher Steiner on Masks, Markets, and Missionaries in Liberia (1925-60)

Karin Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda on Studying the Global Economy

Jeff McCarter (Free Spirit Media) on Building Bridges and Opening Doors for Chicago Youth

Pete Moore on the Arab 99 Percent

Odyssey Project Panel: Humanities Education and the Fight Against Inequality