Все публикации

5.84 Mastering Physics Solution-'The 100 kg block in Figure P5.84 takes 6.0 s to reach the floor

5.83 Mastering Physics Solution-'The ramp in Figure P5.83 is frictionless. If the blocks are release

5.82 Mastering Physics Solution-'Two blocks are connected by a string as in Figure P5.82. What is

5.62 Mastering Physics Solution-'You’ve always wondered about the acceleration of the elevators in

5.65 Mastering Physics Solution-'Josh starts his sled at the top of a 3.0-m high hill that has a con

5.53 Mastering Physics Solution-'A 50 kg box hangs from a rope. What is the tension in the rope if

5.43 Mastering Physics Solution-'Blocks with masses of 1.0 kg, 2.0 kg, and 3.0 kg are lined up in a

5.39 Mastering Physics Solution-'What is the magnitude of the acceleration of a skydiver who is curr

5.29 Mastering Physics Solution-'A 1000 kg car traveling at a speed of 40 m/s skids to a halt on wet

5.49 Mastering Physics Solution-'A 500 kg piano is being lowered into position by a crane while two

4.26 Mastering Physics Solution-'The IKAROS spacecraft, launched in 2010, was designed to test the

4.16 Mastering Physics Solution-'A student builds a rocket-propelled cart for a science project. Its

5.27 Mastering Physics Solution-'Two workers are sliding a 300 kg crate across the floor. One worker

5.19 Mastering Physics Solution-'It takes the elevator in a skyscraper 4.0 s to reach its cruising

5.14 Mastering Physics Solution-'In a head-on collision, a car stops in 0.10 s from a speed of 14...

5.12 Mastering Physics Solution-'A horizontal rope is tied to a 50 kg box on frictionless ice. What

5.8 Mastering Physics Solution-'A 65 kg student is walking on a slackline, a length of webbing...

5.4 Mastering Physics Solution-'A construction crew would like to support a 1000 kg steel beam with

Q5.25 Mastering Physics Solution-'A 2.0 kg ball is suspended by two light strings as shown in Figure

3.43 Mastering Physics Solution-'A peregrine falcon in a tight, circular turn can attain a centripet

3.42 Mastering Physics Solution-'Entrance and exit ramps for freeways are often circular stretches

3.41 Mastering Physics Solution-'A particle rotates in a circle with centripetal acceleration a = 8.

3.40 Mastering Physics Solution-'In a roundabout (or traffic circle), cars go around a 25-m-diameter

3.39 Mastering Physics Solution-'The moon completes one (circular) orbit of the earth in 27.3 days.