Все публикации

Unveiling the Medical Industry's Influence on Outpatient Orthopedic PT

The Solution to PT Burnout: One80 System Explained

Why Going Cash-Based Might Not Solve PT's Problems

Should PTs Move Away from Insurance Dependency?

The Medical Model's Hidden Effects on Physical Therapy

Transform Your PT Clinic: Ditch Introductory Offers for Lasting Success

Physical Therapists, Are You Assessing Muscles Wrong? Discover the Right Approach!

The Root Cause of Low PT Reimbursements Revealed

The #1 Reason Your Evaluations Aren't Effective

DPT Students: Don't Get Stuck in a Broken System

Struggling with Exercise Progression? MoStreBility Has the Answer!

The Hidden Impact of Pharmaceuticals on Physical Therapy

The Importance of Transverse Plane Function in PT

Stop Using Gimmicks in Physical Therapy

Why Manual Muscle Tests Fail and Neuromuscular Tests Work

Another week of medical myth busting in the books.

Why the Medical Model Fails Everyone: A Physical Therapist's Insight

The Real Reason Physical Therapy Faces Low Reimbursements

Physical Therapy Needs Change—Here's Why

Athlete Feels Instant Strength Gains After One80 Treatment

What are you sacrificing with flexibility and mobility work?

Patient Evaluation Unveiled: What PT School Didn't Teach You

Let's Fix Physical Therapy: A Call to Action for All PTs

What patients should now after a physical therapy eval.