Все публикации

A #hydropower generator can go from a dead stop to supplying the power grid in 2 minutes! #usace

Waiting out the fog in a navigation lock #barge #snakeriver

One of two fish ladders at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam to help fish travel upstream easily #fishpassage

Hydropower at Lower Monumental Lock and Dam #hydroelectricity #keepingthelightson #usace

A 4-barge tow headed downstream with 7,800 tons of grain! #barging

How many barges go through our locks? #barging #rivertraffic #snakeriver #usace #dams

Repost. Currently planning the 2025 navigation lock outage #barging #dam #maintenance #rivertravel

It’s winter, so the sun sleeps in. Not us! #keepingthelightson

Bags of riprap for our upcoming coffer cell (the big cylindrical thing with rocks in it) upgrade

What do dams do? #dams #hydropower #floodcontrol #river #usace

Over 4,600 vessels locked through our navigation locks in Fiscal Year 2024! #snakeriver

How does water make electricity? #hydropower #hydroelectric #dam #usace #keepingthelightson

View from Ice Harbor Lock and Dam in the moonlight #moonlight #snakeriver

A bit about Ice Harbor Lock and Dam #dams #usace

Turbine maintenance at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam #dams #hydropower #usace

Locking through in the fog #barge #dams

We had a great time at the holiday parade! #christmasparade #watersafety

Boat ramp reopens December 16! #luckypeak #boating #lake

This funky pheasant is staying alive #pheasanthunting #wildlife

BG William Hannan Jr. visited the Walla Walla District this week #dams #usace

Guiding fish upstream using attraction flow #fishpassage #dams

Another day at a dam #dayinthelife #dayattheoffice #dams #usace

Sometimes dams are a trading post. One tugboat left the pan and another picked it up #helpinghands

Footage from the bottom of a (drained) lake #Bennington #wallawalla #USACE