Все публикации

Hit the road - English idioms, colloquial English

Russian vocabulary - идёт снег, осень, зима - snow, autumn, winter

Keep an open mind - colloquial English, English idioms

How to pronounce Russian Ы - 3 tricks, как произнести звук Ы

Hang in there - English idioms, colloquial English

Engllish with Ryan Reynolds - showbiz for kids, Blake pregnant

Colloquial Russian about money, Russian slang with a native speaker

All verb forms in English and what to do with them - present participle, past participle, gerund

Top 10 Russian hardest words to pronounce

Express your opinion in English - to be honest, to tell you the truth

10 ways to express surprise in Russian, удивление на русском

English with video - Celebrities and their unusual hobbies, English with native speakers

Капля в море popular Russian idioms, colloquial Russian

In the dark - popular English idioms, colloquial English

Последняя капля - popular Russian idioms, русские фразеологизмы

10 useful phrases about your Hobbies and Free time

Голова раскалывается - popular Russian idiom, intermediate Russian

I've decided to go for a walk - Present Continuous, Present Perfect, new English words #Shorts

A SLAP IN THE FACE, popular English idioms, colloquial English

Накрыть поляну - popular Russian idiom

This calls for a celebration - popular English idioms, calls for shots, calls for champagne

Вылетело из головы Russian idiom

Out of line - popular English idioms, colloquial English #Shorts

Перегибать палку - Russian idiom, learn Russian words #Shorts