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Poor girl she must be traumatized for the rest of her life.

the case is sad

imagine what would happen if Jack The Ripper’s still alive ?!!!!

I bet 99% of people first thought that the husband kill the wife when it was the other way around

shes looking into my soul😭

pics with Creepy back stories credits to : @genericnamex

3 years old Samuele Lorenzi credits to @tru3crimet0k

fred & Rosemary west story part4 by : @scaryhorrorcrime

john wayn gacy story part4 by: @scaryhorrorcrime

ToolBoxKillers story part3 by : @scaryhorrorcrime

the black dahlia whole story part4 by : @scaryhorrorcrime

the cecil hotel by @scaryhorrorcrime part4

the black dahlia whole story part5

the zodiac killer part1 : @scaryhorrorcrime

Fred&Rosemary west news part1

facts about john wayne gacy by :@craazyy_facts

this video went viral on tiktok part9

this video went viral on tiktok part5 credits to :@PriscillaGrihim

this video went viral on tiktok part5

this video went viral on tiktok part3 credits : @lights.are.off

this video went viral on tiktok part2

zodiac drawing by :@caffeinencactuses

Richard & rosemary part2 by @scaryhorrorcrime

No wonder he called himself the zodiac killer, what kinda name is gary 💀💀