Все публикации

Using Games to Train Students how to Make Decisions with Data

Racer Data: How cleaning data can influence p-values

Play the Racer Game

Play the Greenhouse game.

C7b_Inference for Logistic Regression

Introduction to Logistic Regr

Introduction to the bootstrap method

C3a: Introduction to Multiple Regression: t-test and R-sq

3b Variable Selection Methods

C2: Normal Probability Plots

C2b: Comparing the two-sample t-test, ANOVA, and regression

C2a: Building Statistical Models

C1 How to Use Minitab to Conduct a Randomization Test

C1 R: Using R to Conduct a Randomization Test

C1b: Introduction to Randomization Tests

when p-values are not reliable

On-Court Determinants of NBA Salary

Comparison between CART Analysis and Logistic Regression Models