Все публикации

A Spanish King James Bible?

¿Qué Biblia recomendamos en español? La Reina Valera Gómez

Was King James Black? #kjv #blackhistory #blackhebrew #kingjames

Was King James Gay? Mary & George - Dr. Phil Stringer

We’re on Spotify! #spotify #kjv #bibleversion #history

What Is Wrong With The ESV?

How God used Gutenberg #bible #printingpress #KJV #gutenberg

Why Chick Tracts Use The KJV

In Defense of 1 John 5:7 - Dr. Phil Stringer

The Preservation of Scripture - Dr. David Sorenson

The Confusion of Balaam and Modern Versions - Dr. Steve Zeinner

The ESV is based on what?! #bible #kjv #esv #history #worldwar2

Why Apologetics Matters - Dr. Steve Damron

The Gutenberg Bible - Expert Reacts To Pawn Stars

The Masoretic Text Of The KJV - Dr. Doug Levesque

What the ESV Generation Will Lose - Dr. Dan Haifley

Our detractors are so polite! #KJV #history #bible #comment

Is the KJV inspired? #kiv #bible #scripture #shorts

KJV Questions & Comments

In a Better Translation... - Jared Longsine

So, You Want to Update the King James Bible? - Mark Reno

Our Blood Bought English Bible - Dr. David Brown

Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & The End Times Bible - David Daniels

Why the KJV is Irreplaceable - Manny Rodriguez