Все публикации

Crazy Rocketman. Running some huge pulse jets.

Who needs Rudolph

Crazy Rocket Grinch

Crazy Santa Clause jet sleigh.

Happy Halloween

Halloween: Crazy Rocketman.

Coffin Car

Crazy Rocketman: Elder Statesman comercial.

Building the twin viper Valveless Pulsejet engine.

Rocket Skateboard Santa Clause.

Crazy Rocketman filming Atlas Lens company commercial.

Crazy Rocketman Bob Maddox

Crazy Rocketman: Crazy Bob & Crazy Dan's Jet kart race!

It puts the lotion in the basket...Halloween.

Crazy Rocketman: Building and running new bigger Pulsejet engine.

Crazy Rocketman: Jet Skateboard!

Crazy Rocketman at 90 mph

Crazy Rocketman: Wild jet engine four wheeler!

Crazy Rocketman: Well I'm on fire!


Crazy Rocketman testing really big 400 pound thrust Pulsejet engine!

Short video 'Starting the Grinch sled'

Santa Clause and his rocket sleigh!

Crazy Rocketman:Green ROCKET LAWN CHAIR!