Все публикации

Enroll User on Moodle Platform

Learn How to Create a Smart Lesson and Use the Smart Lesson Moodle Platform

5c CompetencyTestResults Made with Clipchamp

5b HideCompetencyTest Made with Clipchamp

8. SmartLessonFillInDesignOfTheSmartLesson

5 SmartLessonFillInCompetencies

7. SmartLessonDigitalLibraryDataBase

6 SmartLessonFillInDigitalToolsApps

4 SmartLessonFillInTemplate

3 SmartLessonChooseBlankTemplate



eLearning and Inclusion by MTU (5-day FREE online seminar), 15th-19th April 2024

To BETA ανοίγετε στην κοινωνία

To BETA ανοίγεται στην κοινωνία (43')

7. VolumeMeter

3. SwitchCostumeTo

1. Say

2. Think

4. GoTo

6. PointInDirection

5. Glide

3. TurnSprite

2. MoveSprite