Все публикации

'Understanding and modulating brain network plasticity', Anne Billot

'Attempting to quantify expressive syntactic competence', Jeremy Yeaton

'Controlled Aspects of Language Production', Stephanie Riès

'How can rTMS be individualized for post-stroke aphasia recovery?', Sophie Arheix-Parras

'Computational analysis of aphasic narrative speech: Are we there yet?', Steven Bedrick

'The neurocognition of developmental language disorder', Michael Ullman

'Item Response Theory models for outcome measures in aphasia', Hula, Fergadiotis, and Walker

'What in the brain does the speaking?', Vitória Piai

'Recent Evidence on the Neurobiology of Concept Representation', Jeff Binder

'Psychosocial Aspects of LIVING with Aphasia', Blaise Morrison

'Enhancing prediction of language impairment from neuroimaging data', Alex Teghipco

'Active inference, neural noise and linguistic complexity', Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky

'Mapping taxonomic and thematic naming errors post-stroke', Nick Riccardi

'Spatial and temporal neural dynamics for sentence production and comprehension', Laura Giglio

'Bilateral STN neurons differently encode speech production vs limb movement', Karim Johari

The interrelationship between the Social Determinants of Health and Aphasia Outcomes, Charles Ellis

'The Benefit of Strengthening Phonological Skill in Aphasia/Alexia/Agraphia', Beeson and Rising

'Functional anomaly mapping and perilesional neuroplasticity in post-stroke aphasia', Andrew DeMarco

'Understanding aphasia recovery through Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy', Erin Meier

'Anything But Cinderella', by Play on Words

'Employing neuromodulation to predict and enhance language recovery in aphasia', Haley Dresang

'Error Awareness in Acquired Apraxia of Speech', Julie Wambaugh

'Cognitive Control and Sentence Processing: For Whom and For What?', Malathi Thothathiri

'The Scientific Basis for Contextualized Treatment', Jacqueline Hinckley