Все публикации

Stability of Alkenes

Statistical Stem and Leaf Plots

Heat Capacity and Specific Heat

Creating Categorical Frequency Distributions

Heat of Reaction and Enthalpy

Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics

Naming of Alkenes using IUPAC

Creating Statistical Frequency Distributions

Alkene Cleavage - Ozonolysis Oxidation

Different Sampling Methods in Statistics

Hydration of Alkenes with an Acid Catalyst

Variable Typings and Types of Data in Statistics

Halohydrin Formation of Alkenes

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Dihalide Addition to Alkenes

Alkene Hydroxylation: Diol Formation

Hydrogenation of Alkenes - Addition of Hydrogen

Carbene Addition to Alkenes

Oxymercuration Demercuration Alkene Hydration

Hydroboration of Alkenes - Borane and Alcohol Functional Groups

Alkenes - Addition of HCl and HBr to Alkenes

Introduction to Newman Projections

The Square Root Method and Finding Equilibrium Concentrations

Using Square Root Method to Find Equilibrium Concentrations