Все публикации

Breaking the M-209 Cipher Machine using Machine Learning in a Known-Plaintext Scenario

Introduction to Cloud Forensics (Full Lecture Video)

Introduction to Malware and Malware Analysis (Full Lecture Video)

How a 1674 Encrypted Letter Traveled 10,000 km

How We Broke the Ciphers of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II

The German SZ42 Cipher Machine Explained

Introduction to Memory Forensics (Full Lecture Video)

The Grandpré Cipher Explained

The Simplified Advanced Encryption Standard (S-AES) Explained

Digital File Signatures – How Do They Protect Your Computer?

ElsieFour – A Low-Tech Cipher Inspired by RC 4

How To Install and Use CrypTool 2 in Linux

CrypTool 2 Highlights of the Last Three Years – CrypTool Symposium 2023 in Munich

Huffman Code Explained – An Optimal Prefix Code

The British Typex Cipher Machine Explained

The GRANIT/160 Cipher Explained – A GDR Stasi Spy Cipher

Deciphering Mary Stuart's Lost Letters – A Talk Given by George Lasry

The Bazeries Cipher Explained – A Classical Cipher Based on Substitution and Transposition

The Four-Square Cipher Explained

The Stream Cipher Trivium Explained

The Josse Cipher – A French Army Cipher from the late 19th Century

The Trifid Cipher Explained

Easily Share Your Contact via a QR Code – How to Create vCards with CrypTool 2