Все публикации

Security, CI/CD, and API Integration in Node.js (Week 11 Session 22) #careerex

Advanced Node.js Concepts and Project Guidance (Week 11 Session 21) #careerex

Regularization Techniques - Week 11, Session 22

Feature Selection and Pipelines - Week 11, Session 21

Improving Model Performance - Hyperparameter Tuning - Week 10, Session 20

Marvellous Nwonodi from Product Design #careerex #studentreview

Mastering Web Application Architecture and Cloud Development: MVC Pattern and Render Cloud (Week 10)

Building Secure and Scalable Node js Application JWT Authentication, Email Functionality (Week 10)

React Assets Optimization (Week 10 Session 19) #careerex

Data Preprocessing with Scikit-Learn, Week 10, Session 19

Web Performance Optimization (Week 9 Session 18) - Part 3 #careerex

API Call with Json Server (Week 9 Session 17) - Part 3 #careerex

Web Performance Optimization (Week 9 Session 18) - Part 2 #careerex

Web Performance Optimization (Week 9 Session 18) - Part 1 #careerex

API Call with Json Server (Week 9 Session 17) - Part 4 #careerex

API Call with Json Sever (Week 9 Session 17) - Part 2 #careerex

API Call with Jason Placeholder (Week 9 Session 17) - Part 1#careerex

User Login and Token Generation in Node.js (Week 9 Session 18) #careerex

CRUD Operations and User Registration in Node.js with MongoDB (Week 9 Session 17) #careerex

Ensemble learning techniques - Week 10, Session 19

KNN, SVM, and Decision Tree Algorithms - Week 9, Session 17

JavaScript Library React (Week 7 Session 14) - Part 2 #careerex

Quality Management in Product Development and Product Testing Methodologies (Week 8 Sessions 15&16)

Using Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP for Web Security Testing (Week 8 Session 15) - Part 2 #careerex