Все публикации

FRM Part 1 - Practice Q & A - Call Option Pricing

Black - Scholes Merton - Call Option Pricing - FRM Part 1

Introduction To Treasury Bonds - Part 1

Exotic Options - Binary Options - FRM Part 1

Principal Protected Notes (PPN) - FRM Part 1

Protective Put Strategy

Chooser Options (FRM Part 1)

Futures price vs expected Future Spot price (FRM - Part 1)

Introduction to Key Rate Shifts - Modelling non parallel term structures (FRM)

What is a Short Sale and how to calculate profits from a Short Sale? (FRM)

What is the Par Rate (Par Yield) of a Bond? (FRM)

Estimate Volatility - Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) - FRM

FRM - Vasicek Model to Measure Credit Risk

FRM - Introduction and Valuation of Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) - 2020 Syllabus

INTEREST RATE SWAPS - Part 1- FRM (2020 Syllabus)

FRM Part 1- Book 2 - Random Variables (part 1) - 2020 syllabus

FRM Part 1 - Book 1 - Chapter 4 - Credit Risk Transfer Mechanism (2020 Syllabus)

FRM -Covariance and Correlation

FRM - Conditional Probability

FRM - Delta Normal Approach to Value at Risk (VaR)

FRM - Value at Risk (VaR) of Linear Derivatives

FRM - Standard Error Of the Regression

FRM - Lower Bound of European Call Options

Upper bound (Maximum Value) of a Put Option - FRM