Все публикации

Challenge Level Python Practice Programs | Part 2 | Pattern and pyramid | in hindi

Challenge Level Python Practice Programs | Part 1 | Python Practice Programs

What is Broadcasting and Vectorization in numpy | #broadcasting | #vectorization

100 Practice Programs Series | Part 5 | 20 Practice Programs

100 Practice Programs Series | Part 4 | 20 Practice Programs

100 Practice Programs Series | Part 3 | 20 Practice Programs

100 Practice Programs Series | Part 1 | 20 Practice Questions and Answers of python

What is IDE | Integrated Development Environment | What is IDLE in Python | #IDE

What is Git and GitHub | Git vs GitHub |#git |#github

Selection Sort in Python | Lecture 31 | #selectionsort |#sorting

What is main function and how it works in python | #mainfunction | #nameinpython

What is Promise in JavaScript | Lecture 29 | Resolve | Reject | Pending | #promises

What is Regex in JavaScript | Lecture 26 |Regular Expression in JS in Hindi

What is BOM in JS | Lecture 23 | Browser object model in java script | history | location

What is JSON in Java Script |Lecture 22 | json.stringify() | json.parse()

setTimeout and setInteval functions | Lecture 21 | setTimeout() | setInterval() |clearTimout

How to Add or Remove class in an Element | Lecture 20 | classList | children | append element

What is Data Science | What is Machine Learning | Introduction about Data Science and ML and AI

querySelector and querySelectorAll | Lecture 17 | DOM Manipulation |

DOM Manipulation Exercise | Lecture 16 | Read a Value of Input box in DOM

How to Target an element in Java Script | Lecture 15 | DOM Manipulation | innerText | innerHTML

DOM Manipulation in JavaScript | Lecture 14 | Dynamic HTML | Event Handling in JS

What is DOM in JS | Lecture 13 | Dynamic HTML | Event Handling in JS | Advantages of DOM

Array in JavaScript | Object in JavaScript | Lecture 12 | Array and Object in JS